Gaza Update: September 13th 2024

Gaza Update: Progress in Humanitarian Relief Efforts
We are thrilled to share significant progress in our mission to provide essential food supplies to the people of Gaza during this critical time. Thanks to the unwavering support of our partner WCK, World Central Kitchen, and Our donor JPF, Japan Platform, we have successfully entered Gaza and initiated the distribution of food baskets across seven different locations.Our dedicated team, in collaboration with World Central Kitchen, has mobilized efforts to ensure that families in these areas receive the nutrition they desperately need. Each food basket is a lifeline, offering hope and relief to those affected by the ongoing crisis.
The response from the communities has been heartwarming, as we witness firsthand the gratitude and resilience of the people we serve. Every distribution not only alleviates hunger but also fosters a sense of solidarity and support among those enduring hardship.Despite the challenges we’ve faced at border crossings, our commitment to overcoming these obstacles has never wavered. With your continued support, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals and families.
We invite everyone to join us in this vital effort. Every contribution, whether financial or through advocacy, helps us expand our reach and enhance our impact. Together, we can bring hope and nourishment to the most vulnerable members of our society.
Thank you for standing with us in this important work. Together, we are changing lives and bringing light to the darkest corners of Gaza.