Vision & Mission

Our Missions

1. Emergency assistance
We arrive on the scene as soon as possible and respond to needs of people who are struggling to survive in the face of conflicts and disasters in Japan and overseas. We attend to their immediate needs and help them to develop the means to provide for themselves.

2. Rural development based on environmentally sustainable agriculture
We help victims of poverty and disasters to achieve final independence by working with environmental awareness and sustainable development in mind.

3. Human resource development
Nicco puts emphasis on empowering local people. Our goal is to give them the tools to continue projects and expand them after NICCO’s active support ends. Domestically we also run capacity development programs for Japan’s younger generation to help them prepare becoming leaders in the future.


Our Vision

NICCO aspires to create a world free of poverty & conflicts where people are able to realize their potentiality to the full extent in harmony with global environment.


Our Policy

Based upon strict humanitarianism,
NICCO always remains non-racial,
non-religious and non-political.