私はネパールから来ましたサラダと申します。私は京都大学の学生です。最近NICCO でインターンシップをしてNICCOのプロジェクトについて色々勉強しています。NICCO主催のイベントにも参加していました。今から11月8日の清水寺のイベントについて書きたいと思います。
I am Sharda from Nepal. I am student of Kyoto University. These days I am doing internship at NICCO and learning many things regarding NICCO and its project. I also participated in event organized by NICCO. This time I am writing about the Kiyomizu temple event held on 8th of November.
▲イベントのブース (NICCO のスタッフとインターン生)Stall of event (staff and intern of NICCO)
The autumn days in kyoto is very fascinating with beautiful nature, red leaves in trees and soothing environment. We all expected the same in November 8 as well when we were preparing for the event. But together with such beauty, the day was full of rain. Although the weather is challenging, the visitor in Kiyomizu temple is as usual.
毎年11月に清水寺でこのイベントを開催しています。イベントはNGO や教育機関、バレイ団で開催されます。毎年NICCO もこのイベントに参加しています。今年は、ブースを出展し、オリーブオイルとシリア難民の女性が作った刺繍を紹介したり、パンフレットやニュースレターを配布したりしました。
Every year in the month of November, an event is organized by the executive committee to talk about the world in Kiyomizu temple. The event is held in cooperation with NGOs, school and Ballet Company. NICCO is taking part every year in this event. This time NICCO prepared the stall so as to introduce olive oil and embroideries made by Syrian refugee women and to distribute brochures and newsletter regarding NICCOs work to the visitors and also to collect some donations so as to help the needy people and community.
The day was very cold and continuously raining. Despite of this, visitors came and got information about us and our project.

▲NICCO のスタッフが来場者に説明している様子。 Staff of NICCO briefing about its work to the visitor.
Some of the visitors got information about NICCO, and some donated money to help the needy hands.

▲ブースの来場者。Visitors visiting the stall
このイベントは世界の問題について取り組む実行委員会が主催しているのでNICCO 以外のNGO や高校生も参加しました。高校生は音楽ライブを実施し、お客様を集めました。
As the event is organized by an executive committee to address the problem of the world, so except NICCO there were other NGO and high school student participation as well. They were performing live music and attracting the visitors.

▲ライブパフォーマンスをする高校生。High school students performing live

▲バレエを踊るバレリーナ。Dancers performing ballet