Salam (Hello!)
This is Yasuda from NICCO Mashhad Office in Iran.
It is said that most of the country in the world have a mild winter in this year, however, our lovely Mashhad is so cold unlike the other cities out there.
アフガニスタン難民に対する保険制度 The public health insurance for Afghan refugees
サラマット公的保険に関するパンフレット Brochures for Salamat Public Insurance
① 血友病や地中海貧血症、人工透析が必要な腎不全、多発性硬化症の患者をもつ世帯
② 社会的弱者を含む世帯(世帯主が60歳以上の高齢者の世帯、寡婦世帯、障がい者を含む世帯等)
③ その他
We attended the seminar hosted by BAFIA and UNHCR regarding the new scheme of public insurance for Afghan refugees and Iraqi refugees the other day, so I would like to introduce about the details of it.
The new scheme of public insurance for Afghan refugees and Iraqi refugees has launched in Iran since October 1st 2015. This scheme has been implemented under the agreement between UNHCR, BAFIA, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Organization which is also known as Salamat in Persian, and it is so called as Salamat Public Insurance named after the Health Insurance Organization.
The scheme is categorizing the refugees into the below three groups and setting up the different charge for each group, so it enables all the refugees to receive the insurance services basically.
- Families that have certain patients; Hemophilia, Thalassemia, Renal Insufficiency required artificial dialysis and Multiple Sclerosis
Insurance premium: free of charge
Expected number of refugees: approximately 1,000
- Vulnerable families (In case the head of household is more than 60 years old or widow, the family has a disable person, etc.)
Insurance premium: 245,000IRR (approximately 980JPY*) for 6 months for each person
Expected number of refugees: approximately 50,000
- The other refugees
Insurance premium: 960,000IRR (approximately 3,840JPY*) for 6 months for each person
Expected number of refugees: All the recorded refugees by BAFIA except the above 1. and 2. categories.
*Calculated by the currency rate as of 26th December 2015, 1IRR=0.004JPY
Insurance services
In case of hospitalization within 6 hours: 30% patient share
In case of hospitalization more than 6 hours: 10% patient share
There is no limitation for the age of the patients and the cost for the treatment.There are not any other insurance services for the refugees in Iran.The services are available only for the refugees registered by Iranian government legally.
It will be necessary to inform the details of the insurance services to the refugees from now on.
Mashhad office is also requested by the authorities for cooperation, so we are planning to explain the eligible persons about the details carefully, using the posters and the brochures etc.
マシャッド事務所の応接スペースには、ポスターとパンフレットを用意しています 。We will explain the details of the insurance with the brochure and the poster at the above space.