Salam! This is Farzaneh Seif Hashemi from NICCO Mashhad Office in Iran. Today I would like to introduce the custom of Iranian people for the winter solstice.
ヤルダ ~古代イランからの風習~ “Yalda night” The old ritual from the ancient Iran
“Yalda night” is one of the oldest Iranian rituals, which is celebrated at the longest night of the year and the last night of autumn and beginning of winter when ancient Iranians used to celebrate the arrival of the new season. Yalda has been celebrated for about 7000 years among Iranian people and also they have considered it as the winter solstice as well.
Ancient Iranians were on the belief that the day after Yalda night as the day-hours become longer, by the beginning of sunrise, the divine light radiation will increase and they considered it as the victory of light over darkness. The ancient Iranians celebrated the last night of the autumn as the birth of Mitra (goddess of light) and they called it “sun’s birth night” and held big ceremonies for that.
冬至の楽しい過ごし方 The good way to spend time for the winter solstice
The fruits having many seeds inside and nuts are symbolized fertility.
Sometimes Iranians call this night as the “Chelleh Night” (Chelleh means forty). Since this night is the opening of forty coldest days of the year (from the first day of Dey to the 10th of Bahman*1), and we celebrate the arrival of winter.
(*1) From December 22 to January 30
スイカは夏の暑さの象徴とされており、寒い冬にスイカを食べることによって、病気を予防することができると信じられている。 Watermelon is symbolized the heat of summer, and it is believed that you can prevent any kind of diseases by eating some watermelon in the cold winter.
On this special Iranian night, all family members gather at the eldest kinsman’s house together to eat, drink and read poetries of Hafez*2 until late at night. we eat special nuts, Watermelon, Pomegranates, sweets and different kinds of fruit at Yalda’s rituals that all of them have a symbolic meaning and they are signs of blessing, health, abundance, happiness and welfare. Moreover, recalling the memories and telling stories by grandmothers and grandfathers are parts of the rituals. All these, are some decent excuses to gather the relatives next to each other and spend the darkest and longest night of the year with joy and happiness.
May the warmth of this family reunion turn the coming long and cold nights of winter more pleasant to pass a warm
(*2) A well-known Persian Poet. His poetries are considered as the pinnacle of Persian literature.
柘榴は、その赤い種と果汁とともに、喜びと誕生の象徴とされており、その実は熱や血を表しているように見える。 Pomegranate is considered as a symbol of joy and birth, with its red seeds and crimson juice, and it appears as if itthe fruit expresses heat and blood.