
NICCOを支える想い vol 2 -アブバクル サワフト(プロジェクトコーディネーター・ウェブデザイナー)



NICCOを支える想い vol 2 -アブバクル サワフト(プロジェクトコーディネーター・ウェブデザイナー)

Q1 Please introduce yourself. 自己紹介をお願いします。

– My name is Abubker Safwat, a 31-year-old Sudanese residing in Japan. I work as a Project Coordinator and Web Designer at NICCO.


Q2 Why and how did you join NICCO? NICCOに入局した理由やきっかけを教えてください。

– My involvement with NICCO began following a meeting with the organization’s Chairman and Vice President. I was deeply moved by their dedication to assisting the Sudanese people amid the 2023 Conflict. Additionally, I was eager to help meet the needs of communities across the Middle East and Africa as well.



Q3 What kind of work do you currently do? 現在、どのような仕事をしていますか?

– As a Project Coordinator, I am engaged in vital projects throughout Gaza, Egypt, and Ukraine. My duties encompass communication, planning, documentation, resource management, progress monitoring, problem resolution, and budget management. I also oversee the English website and brochure design for NICCO.


Q4 Please tell us about the most rewarding episodes you have experienced so far in NICCO. これまでに最もやりがいを感じたエピソードを教えてください。

– Being acknowledged by colleagues and NICCO’s leadership has been immensely gratifying, affirming the significance of my efforts.
– Achieving success within stringent deadlines and surmounting challenges through detailed planning and collaborative effort.
– Contributing to project planning, establishing timelines, and managing resources.
– Observing the fruition of projects after considerable dedication, recognizing the importance of my role in coordination.
– Experiencing the triumphant debut of projects to which I have contributed.
– Finally, and most importantly, the kindness of all my coworkers has played a significant role in elevating me to the best version of myself, and I continue to strive for improvement.


Q5 What do you want to achieve through NICCO in the future? 今後、NICCOを通じて達成したいことは何ですか?

-My aspirations include:
– Delivering projects effectively for social impact.
– Creating sustainable solutions that serve communities.
– Fostering robust partnerships within the community.
– Enhancing the capabilities of both myself and my NICCO colleagues.
– Driving innovation and securing ongoing funding.


Q6 Please give a message to everyone who supports NICCO. NICCOを応援してくださる皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。

– To all our supporters: Your contributions are significant. Whether it’s through donations, volunteering, or sharing our message, your involvement is crucial. Together, we are creating enduring change. Thank you for your faith in our mission. Let us strive for greater accomplishments ahead!
