



This time is to briefly introduce the progress of the implementation of the project.


Firstly, we visited the district called Johor Al Deek in which we support rehabilitation of the well destroyed in the war 2014 for agricultural irrigation. There was a great damage by attack on the ground as this area is located in a buffer zone to the border of Israel.


At Gaza Strip, supply of electricity is restricted for 8 hours per day on average because power plants have been destroyed in the war. Our assistance is to repair the destroyed well, establish a solar system for compensation of lack of electricity, and pump up water from the well through power generated by the solar system. The solar panels and the well excavated in last January have been connected and the water is successfully pumped up from the well.






(左)左後ろに見えるのがソーラーパネルです。(右)井戸内にはパイプがすでに通っており、水を出すことができました。There are the solar panels behind us on the left. Pipes are set in place in the well and enables water come through.



Next, we visited farmers in the same district who receives assistance of water supply from the repaired well as well as irrigation pipes and seeds distribution.


Irrigation is inevitable at Gaza Strip due to strong sunshine. However, farmers normally need to pay water fee to obtain irrigated water. Our beneficiaries, farmers couldn’t afford to repair necessary irrigation facilities on their own. The irrigated water become available now and the farmers will be able to farm as the same as it used to before the war.






(ここから500メートル先は、もうイスラエル側とのボーダーライン。誤って近づいてしまうと発砲されることもあるそうです。)Within 500 meters there is the border line with Israel.







Black pipe in hand is an irrigation pipe, enabling water to reach the area from the repaired well.


今回は他にもCBO(Community Based Organization:村の自治会のような存在です)の訪問や、支援先農家さんと直接話し合いを実施しました。来る度に着々と作業が進んでいる様子です。もう真夏並みの暑さとなったガザ地区で、青々と育っている農作物を見て嬉しくなる訪問でした。We also monitored CBO(Community Based Organization, so-called neighborhood community association) and had a meeting with farmers we support. As the progress is made step by step on every visit, we enjoyed fruitful visit this time as well despite the hot weather.

