Hello this is Marie Tada from NICCO (Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development) who is a part of the agricultural project in Gaza.
- 2014年のイスラエル軍の攻撃によって破壊されてしまった井戸の修復
- 生計回復のため、種と苗の配布と農業ワークショップの開催
- 土地を持っていない人たちのために、 一時的に雇用し、賃金を払うことによって復興支援を行う事業(キャッシュ・フォー・ワーク)
There 3 components in this project, which will be done until 31st of May 2016.
- Rebuilding water wells broken from the combat in 2014.
- Distribute seeds and seedlings with the agricultural workshops.
- The people without lands will engage to Cash for Work which is temporary employment so that they could have salary.
エレズ検問所を通ってガザ地区へ Enter Gaza strip thorugh Erez
プロジェクト内容に入る前に、今回はガザのことを紹介したいと思います。 I would like to show you Gaza before explaining our project this time.
What do you imagine about Gaza?
Gaza is often described as ‘Prison without a ceiling.’ They have almost 1.8 million people and it’s an area of 60% of Tokyo 23 wards. In such a small land, many people are living and its population is growing very fast.Some reports said that nobody can live in Gaza in 2020 because of the problem of under ground water.
When you go to Gaza, you have to go through a checkpoint. When you go to Gaza from Israel side, there is a checkpoint called Erez. Unfortunately I could not take pictures of Erez.
Erez checkpoint looks like an airport. You will get asked questions by Israeli officers who wears military uniform and get luggage checked as well. You can get to Gaza after this process.
柵付きの道を歩き終えたところでガザに入りました。パレスチナの旗の絵が描いてある。 After you walk from Erez, it’s Gaza from here! You can see Palestinian flag.
検問所を超えたところから写真のような道が500 mほど続きます。道は柵で囲われており、閉塞感はぬぐいきれません。柵の横に見えているのは、イスラエルとの国境に近い地域で、危険区域とされています。特に国境から200 mの区域はとても危険であり、野原が広がっているだけです。
You have to walk about 500 m from the Erez. The road to Gaza is surrounded by metal rails. You would feel stifled just walking down the road. On the sides, you can see the area where is close to the border with Israel. The area is measured at a distance of 200 m from the border is considered as very dangerous area. You are now allowed to so anything in the area so the only thing you see is land with few grasses.
8時間の停電 Cut off the electricity for 8 hours
There are 8 autonomies in Gaza. Gaza City is the largest one and has the largest population in here.
In the city of Gaza. It looks the same as in West Bank.
If you have already visited West Bank in Palestine, you can find the similarity with this this picture of Gaza city. One of the concerns here is electricity issue. After spending 8 hours with the electricity, people are forced to live without the electricity for next 8 hours. Israel has the control on infrastructure such as electricity and water in Gaza. It is hard to imagine that a life like this in Japan.
We are heading to South East from Gaza city at the next time.
We appreciate for your warm support.
ガザの様子をインスタグラムでみませんか? (アカウントがなくても見られます)
Please follow our instagram! ‘Habibte Falestine’
多田茉莉絵(Marie Tada)