I would like to show you our one of the project is the rebuilding water wells broken from the combat in Gaza 2014 at this time.
The well digging site with the truck with a big crane.
井戸掘りの現場を訪問 Visiting the water well drilling site
オルグという太いパイプを地中に入れる様子。 Inserting a thick pipe called org in the ground.
We could not wait to see drilling in the well at this time of site visit. We have been preparing for this by doing administrative tasks, which always happens to be not glamorous job. Those tasks such as choosing contractors and having meetings with local committees made today!
井戸によってオルグの太さが違います。 Org’s diameter depends on the size of the well.
In the picture below, we are digging until 65m depths. This process is called drilling. This org is 25cm in diameter and it has a valve at the end.
When you drill deeper like 65m, you need to weld and unweld pipes during drilling. In our case, it takes us 3 weeks for drilling.
パイプを切り離しているところ。とても危険な作業です。 Unwelding pipes. It is very dangerous work.
気さくに質問に答えてくれるみなさん。 When you ask some questions about the construction, these people are very kind to tell anything about it.
「ワン・ワールド・フェスティバル for Youth 2015」
さて、ここでイベントの告知です。2015年12月26日(土)10:00−17:00、大阪国際交流センターにて、「ワン・ワールド・フェスティバル for Youth 2015」というイベントが行われます。
I would like to share this information about ‘One World Festival for Youth 2015.’It will be held in Osaka (the details are below), 26th December 2015, 10am to 5pm.
What is special about this event is that high school students run this festival mainly. Today we have many high school students who are interested in international cooperation/interaction. So why not! I joined a member of the committee since year.
And I am going to give a session about Gaza strip this time.
On a session, I will talk about ‘What are Gaza kids now’ 11:00−12:30(at Kaigishitsu 5)
日時:2015年12月26日(土) 10:00-17:00
場所:(公財) 大阪国際交流センター
Date: December 26th 2015, SATURDAY, 10:00-17:00
Place: Osaka International House Foundation
Webpage: http://owf-youth.com/page-9
Pamphlet: http://owf-youth.com/archives/266
I am very looking forward to seeing you!
We appreciate for your warm support.
ガザの様子をインスタグラムでみませんか? (アカウントがなくても見ることができます。)
Please follow our instagram! ‘Habibte Falestine’
多田茉莉絵 (Marie Tada)