待ちに待った本番!The performance day waiting for long time has come!
ついにこれまで練習してきた成果を見せる日がやってきました。 演劇発表会です。 今回は当日の様子をお伝えします。
The day to show the performance the children have practiced so far has come, which is the drama presentation day! I report what it was like that day.
しっかりとおめかし Makeup and dress up
The children were enjoying makeup and wearing costumes and got ready for the performance.
They were practicing twice a week for more than 1 month for this day. I saw some of them got nervous. The curtains are opening!
1,2,3アクション! 1,2 ,3 action!!
演劇の脚本は子どもたちのつらい経験に基づいて作られます。それを演じ、気持ちを想像して表現することを通じて、悲惨な経験に向き合うことが出来るようになるのです。The story of the drama is written from their own sad experiences. Imaging and expressing the feelings of them through the playing roles, they get to able to face those experiences.
すばらしい演技でした!Their performances were great!!
After the presentation finished, the children seem to be proud of themselves so much. One of them told me that he wanted to participate the session again, therefore I think that this program was a great experience for them.
According to the questionnaire of their parents, they saw some changes of the participants, for example a child who used to be playing alone got to talk with his friends more thanks to the participation of the program.
I hope that they can cash in on their experience of the play drama for their lives from now on. I wish also that the experiences help them to overcome difficulties after the cease this conflict and going back to Syria.
After the presentation day, two of the children were going back to Syria to go to Germany. Although I cannot speak Arabic well, one of them tried to talk to me, and made me sing national song of Japan.
I just wish they manage to arrive there safely.
Thank you for your reading.
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Website of “Frontline” (Japanese)