
エコサントイレ ビルダーインタビュー














〈インタビュー全文 和訳〉



私:私の名前はMio Akirny*2です。今日はよろしくお願いします。では早速、ジョスファトさんはいつエコサンビルダーになったんですか?




































※2: Akirnyはルオ族で使われる名前で、ケニアでの私のニックネーム。朝早くに生まれた人という意味。


▲エコサントイレ 建築2日目

▲エコサントイレ 建設3日目



〈インタビュー全文 原文〉

Me:First of all, what can I call you?


Me: Ok my name is Mio Akirny. Nice to see you. So when did you become ecosan-builder?

J: I forgot when I became, but it is about 1 year.

Me: How many days do you need to build one ecosan-toilet?

J: It takes 8-10 days. So if they take a long time, 10 days. So maximam is 10, minimum 8.

Me: Could you tell me how to build ecosan? How many processes do you have?

J: The first day, we prepare the slap and foundation. Then the second day, we build the subtraction of chambers. The third day, we through the plastering inside the chambers.

And on the forth day, we do mountain of the slap and setting it to make sure the level, flat of the level. From the fifth day, we will construct a house, roof and on the sixth day, after making roof. And seventh day, we will plaster.

Me: Which day is it now?

J: Today is the second day.

Me: How many times did you build ecosan toilet before? Did you remember?

J: Six times.

Me: And I am also very interested in  how you became ecosan builder. Did you have a training?

J: Yes.

Me: Who trained you?

J: Geoffrey was one of them but there are also others.

Me: If I want to be an ecosan-builder, can I become a builder as long as you (Geoffrey) teach me?

G: No, I would say no because first of all, you need to have muscles as an artisan. Because you can’t just carry without muscles. So when you’re done with that  training, I will just show you about measurement and everything. But you must have muscles. We have muscles and skills.

Me: So as long as I have muscles, I can be after training, you mean?

G: Yeah.

Me: Ok. Next question. Why did you decide to be an ecosan-builder a years ago?

J: I had a skill of building and I saw that it was a new technology which was there to stay.

Me: So you  also do work for another job apart from ecsan-builder, do you?

J: This one comes just sometimes. So life goes on, I have to work for other places.

Me: I get it. So after you complete the construction, how do you use the ecosan-toilet? Could you give me a simple guide for it?

J: After the completion of the toilet, we will wait for something which is called curing. Curing is to dry it up for a little. After letting it dry, it can be ready. So after drying and cure, we assemble family members of the household. Then after assembling them, we conduct a workshop. The workshop is just about to take them to through how the ecosan works and how you can use and care for the toilet.  And also because this is a new technology, we make  you conduct until in case of anything and give advice like if the toilet becomes full what they should do. So we also teach them how to use it carefully so that they can transfer the knowledge to visitors who come to their house to make them use it in the proper way. And after doing the workshop, we also teach them how to recycle the product from ecosan-toilet. We tell them how to use it, how to mix it with water so that they can make fertilizer. For example we teach them you need to make five parts of yurin then you put it on the crops down the stems not on the leaves. So we teach them yurin isn’t poisonous as long as it is still fresh because yurin becomes bad by reaction of the air. So you need to keep it fresh. And also we teach them how the proper application of the ash should be. You can harvest manure after 5 to 6 months when it complete composition. So we teach them these all of things…

M: That makes sense to me. I could understand how important the workshop is to make sure of the effect of the ecosan-toilet.  By the way,is that guy also a builder like him?

G: Every time we build ecosan, we also  need to transfer the knowledge to somebody from that place. This guy is from here. He needs to get something from us. That person is going to assist the builder.

Me: So he is just an assistant not an official ecosan-builder.

G: Yes, because we’re working for somebody from this area and getting knowledge of the ecosan-toilet.

Me: Through you qualified builders, you can spread knowledge  to others.

G: Yes, this is because the assistants just come from the locals.

Me: Ok I get you now, thank you.